Monday, June 20, 2011

Final Exam

For my final exam in Graphics 1 I decided to use a project I had already done. I used a picture of a wall with graffiti and overlapped another picture with two guys spray painting another wall. I cut out the two guys and the pavement they were on an placed new shadows on top to make it seem like they were all part of the same photo. To decide what I wanted to say on the poster I thought about what people think graffiti is and how graffiti artists view their work. I think most people view graffiti as a waste and an eye sore, but people put a lot of work into the art and it takes skill to use the spray paint to create the images that we see on walls. I wanted to use something short that people could read easily and would remember. I decided to use a phrase that was popular and rhymed so people would easily remember what I was trying to convey.  I used a simple font and font color so that it would not be battling the artwork in the background, which is the focus of the message. I did not want it to completely blend in with the graffiti so people could easily pick out what I wanted to say, but it would not take away from the artwork.

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