Friday, November 12, 2010

Illustrator Project Days 1-5

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This project was to get used to Illustrator by creating different images using different tools. You had to read a tutorial posted on our teacher's blog,, and then follow the steps listed at Vectordiary for using certain tools to make first basic shapes, then more complex shapes with different tools. I started with making the square and rectangle with the rectangle tool, then the circle and oval with the ellipse tool. Next I made the 20-point star with the star tool, and the triangle an pentagon with the polygon tool. I used the pencil tool to make the right and left hands, then used the pen tool to make everything else. The hardest tool to get used to was the pen tool, but by the time I got to the rabbit and the puzzle piece I was pretty comfortable with using it.

Tools I used and for what:
  • Shape tools: Rectangle tool, Star, Ellipse, Polygon
    •  Used them for the rectangle, square, triangle, pentagon, 20-point star, oval, and circle
  •  Drawing tools: Pencil, Pen, and Change Anchor Point tool
    • Used them for heart, hands, old key, dog bone, shamrock, clover, leaf, speech bubble, puzzle piece, and (my favorite) the rabbit

I think that I got better with the tools towards the end of the project, and I went back and changed some of the objects once I was used to tools like the pen tool. It took me a while to figure out the pen tool and drawing/tracing the hands took the most time. I think I could have done some of the objects better, like the dog bone or the speech bubble, but overall I think the images I made are good.

My personal evaluation of how I did is a 9/8 (participation/product), because I think I completed the project well, but some of the images could have been better. I was focused for most of the project,with maybe some minor lapses.

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