My spaceship going to the Moon. |
For this project we had to create a spaceship in Illustrator, following steps from
This Tutorial shown to us by our teacher. The blog, Create a simple Spaceship in Illustrator, layed out how to make the spaceship in steps categorized by each part of the ship. I first made the body, the main red oval, and from there every other part of the space ship, except the gray engines, are made from copies of the main ship. I made the window by sizing down a copy and deleting an anchor. The fins were made from using copies of the main ship and cutting parts of squares out. The flames were the last part of the actual spaceship made, and I made them by using 4 copies of the original main ship, then cutting down parts to make the flame shape, changing the color, and then making a copy and sizing it down to fit inside.
Tools I used and for what:
- Ellipse tool, Delete Anchor Point tool, Rectangle tool, Convert Anchor Point tool, Pathfinder: Intercept shape areas/Subtract from shape areas, Gradient, and Star tool
- Delete Anchor Point tool:
- take away anchor point on the window to change it from an oval to a window shape
- Convert Anchor Point tool:
- change the shape of the engines
- Pathfinder:
- Subtract and put together different objects
- Gradient:
- coloring in the background and on ship body
- Rectangle tool:
- fins, background, and engines
- Ellipse tool:
- Body, flames, shadows, moon, and window
I think that overall it wasn't hard to make the spaceship, it was more difficult to navigate around Illustrator. Other people in the class helped each other with parts that they couldn't do as well, and I think that helped me complete my spaceship. It took me about 2 days to complete it, so overall it was a pretty fast project.
I would give myself a 9/8 (participation/product) because I was focused while I made the spaceship, but it took me a while to make this post, and I'm pleased with my final project, but some things could be tweaked, like the background gradient is backwards, and little parts along the spaceship aren't lined up perfectly.